Small Town Transformations

Small Town Transformations encouraged Victorian communities to think big about how art can transform their town.

Illuminated By Fire

Working across Victoria, Illuminated by Fire celebrated the places we care about and the story and role of fire within those places.

Creative Recovery 2020-2021

After the devastating Victorian fires over the Summer of 2019/2020, Regional Arts Victoria received funding from Creative Victoria and Bushfire Recovery Victoria to undertake creative recovery activities.

Man with a guitar singing to a crowd.

Victoria Together Festival Commission

In 2020-2021, Regional Arts Victoria partnered with Victoria Together to commission eight regional arts festivals across the state to create or adapt work from their events into a digital format hosted by Victoria Together.

Step Up Program

To continue addressing the far-reaching impacts of the 2019–20 bushfire season, Regional Arts Victoria delivered the Step Up program to support the social recovery of disaster impacted communities through arts and cultural activation.


Celebrating children as designers of sustainable architecture, Eco-Cubby supported them to develop an Eco-Cubby project for their own community.

Creative Workers in Schools

Creative Workers in Schools saw 150 creative industry workers undertake a six-month residency program in Victorian government and special schools.

Student Voices for Recovery

Student Voice for Recovery was a student-led bushfire recovery program providing student recovery, wellbeing and connection opportunities.

Circus Active

Our Circus Active partnership program looked at the efficacy of circus-based arts programs to increase physical activity amongst adolescents.

Creative Leaders Program

This program saw 24 school-aged artists in South West Victoria matched with industry mentors, who worked with them to explore pathways to an arts career.