COVID-19 Resources for Community Presenters

Please find a list of key COVID-19 resources for Community Presenters below.

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COVID Safe Plan Template for Community Presenters

Our COVID Safe Work Plan template for community presenters and venues is now available. The template is comprehensive and user friendly, with straightforward instructions that will support you and your committees to put in place an effective COVID Safe Plan for your venue and the presentation of live performance.

Quick Guide for Community Presenters Reopening Venues

This guide has been developed to assist volunteers, committees and community groups to safely reopen regional Victorian venues amidst COVID-19. It is a complementary resource for use alongside the Victorian Association of Performing Arts Centre’s A Safe Guide to Re-Opening Performing Arts Venues.

Volunteering Victoria COVID-19 Resources

Volunteering Victoria provides guides and templates for volunteer managers.

In this time of uncertainty, Connecting Places aims to be responsive to the needs of regionally-based community presenters in Victoria. Please get in touch if you or your committee require any further assistance navigating the current challenges posed by COVID-19.

Nikki Ralston
Connecting Places Coordinator

[email protected]

Image: ARC Yinnar Community Presenters.