
We offer targeted skills development workshops in-person and for free, usually in the second half of the year. Topics, speakers and locations are selected based on feedback from community presenters about what they need and are designed for all experience levels.

For information on our upcoming workshops, sign up to our Community Presenter mailing list.

Upcoming Workshops

Fundraising 101 – online workshop for Community Presenters 

Are you struggling to raise the funds you need to deliver the programs you want to for your community? To support you with this challenge we’ve engaged highly experienced consultant Megan Buntine, to deliver an interactive online Fundraising workshop for our Community Presenter network. 

This 3-hour workshop will be held over Zoom and will provide a simple, step-by-step approach to fundraising for your organisation. During the workshop Megan will take participants through the basics of assessing needs, developing and implementing an effective fundraising plan. 

When: Wednesday, 27 September 2023, 5:30pm-8:30pm 

Where: Online (Zoom) 

Cost: $15 for registered Community Presenters 

Places in this workshop are limited, so register early to secure your place:

Please get in touch with Nikki if you have any access needs, or any questions about the workshop or registering as a Community Presenter. 

Nikki Ralston 
Connecting Places Coordinator 
[email protected] | 0458 765 059