Touring and engagement reaching new heights

Connecting Places is a touring and engagement program that works with community presenters to bring quality work to their communities, and develop sustainable presenting skills. The program is open to arts councils, halls and mechanics’ institute committees, regional festivals and local shire councils wishing to bring high quality performances to their communities.

The touring program offers a range of fantastic, technically appropriate and affordable works, available for booking throughout the year. In 2019, we will deliver 45 performances to 42 small regional communities, with a projected attendance of nearly 12,000 people!

The engagement program offers a range of skills development opportunities to create a sustainable practice for you and your committee to build an arts audience. We offer long-term mentorships, regional skills development workshops, one-on-one planning sessions, online resources, marketing advice and support, networking opportunities and general phone support from Regional Arts Victoria staff.

“The idea is to offer really great touring shows to small communities and at the same time work to develop their skills in presenting these shows,” said Programming Manager, Rosie Dwyer.  

“We have a responsibility to ensure the experience is a really positive one for every community, and by de-mystifying what presenting a show is, and offering exciting learning opportunities, we ensure the communities are learning from and loving the program.”

The 2020 Touring Program launches today, and we are thrilled to share with you the selected works. You can view them HERE.

To access the support program or the touring shows; you need to be an incorporated not-for-profit organisation, be a Regional Arts Victoria Member, and have an interest in bringing touring works to your community.

To assist in funding this work, Creative Victoria’s Small Regional Presenters offers up to $15,000 per year to contribute to the production costs of your program. This grant is open to Regional Arts Victoria Members. You can find more information on their website.

If you’d like further information about the program, please don’t hesitate to contact Rosie Dwyer.

Regional Arts Victoria
is the peak body for regional artists and arts organisations in Victoria and the leading organisation for regional creative practice in Victoria. Through partnerships, programming and projects, we develop creative practice all over Victoria.


Media Contact: Rosie Dwyer 03 9644 1807 |

PDF downaload available here CP Launch MR.