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Organisation Member Benefits

On this page, you can find out more about how to access your Member benefits.

Half Price Individual Regional Arts Victoria Membership for your Members

Your members are entitled to half-price Individual Membership to Regional Arts Victoria. To access this discount, they just need to enter the promo code: MEM!_2023TAKE50 in their application form.

Individual Membership (without insurance cover): $30 (usually $60)

Individual Membership and Combined Liability cover: $230 (usually $260)

Use this copy to promote this benefit to your members via email

Please do not make this publicly available e.g., on your website, unless there is a password protected membership portal.

Copy and paste and the following:

To access your half-price Individual Membership to Regional Arts Victoria, visit: Join Our Membership – Regional Arts Victoria
Complete an application form and enter the promo code: MEM!_2023TAKE50

If you have previously been a member with Regional Arts Victoria, please email them at: [email protected] for your pre-filled renewal form, then enter the code TAKE50

Prices for <Insert your organisation name here> Members:

  • Individual Membership (without insurance cover): $30 (usually $60)*
  • Individual Membership and Combined Liability insurance cover: $230 (usually $260)*

RAV Membership Benefits:

  • Optional heavily discounted insurance
  • Information on over 5,000 live grants through the Funding Centre SmartySearch Database
  • Priority and free access to RAV events and tours
  • Support and resources from RAV staff via our Membership Dashboard
  • An editable online Member Profile on the Regional Arts Victoria website
  • The ability to upload your events to the What’s On section of the Regional Arts Victoria website
  • Monthly ENews updates
  • Individual Members based in Victoria are also granted Voting rights at Regional Arts Victoria General Meetings.

*Annual membership is from 31 October to 31 October each year. New Individual Members that join between 1 January and 30 June in any financial year may be eligible for pro-rata rates.

You have access to…

Our SmartySearch tool is an online grants search tool powered by the Funding Centre’s comprehensive grants database. SmartySearch makes finding grants easy for RAV members, with free access to an unlimited number of grant searches.

Get searching now!

Our Membership Team is happy to assist members with setting up your profile, adding events, promoting your events or work, or generally being available for a good yarn! We love to hear about what you’re working on. Email us to book a time to chat:

Please note that we are not licensed to provide insurance advice or able to send you your insurance documents, please read the Insurance Information for FAQs and contact details for GSA Insurance Brokers.

Access a broad range of tools to assist you with your artistic development, project planning, and marketing. These include how to write a media release, budget tips, understanding copyright, funding tips and many more.

Voluntary Workers Insurance is a benefit of your Regional Arts Victoria Membership. You will be emailed a copy of your Certificate of Currency and policy documentation by GSA Insurance Brokers. If you cannot locate it in your spam or trash folder, please email [email protected] to request a copy.

Association Liability Insurance is a benefit of your Regional Arts Victoria Membership. You will be emailed a copy of your Certificate of Currency and policy documentation by GSA Insurance Brokers. If you cannot locate it in your spam or trash folder, please email [email protected] to request a copy.

If you take out the optional Combined Liability Insurance through Regional Arts Victoria, you will be emailed a copy of your Certificate of Currency and policy documentation by GSA Insurance Brokers. If you cannot locate it in your spam or trash folder, please email [email protected] to request a copy.

Further information about the policy can be found here.

Members usually receive priority booking to any events that we run throughout the year, whether it’s the more formal RAV in Residence events or the casual Member Meet-ups, we’d love to see you there. Invites for these are emailed straight to the inbox of your assigned Membership contact.