Neerim District Progress Association
The Neerim District Progress Association works to promote the Neerim district to residents, visitors and investors, be a voice for the community at local Shire and State Government level, advocate for infrastructure improvements, heritage conservation, economic development and community inclusiveness and cohesion.
The NDPA develops and supports worthy local projects & events, assists and cooperates with other community organisations, liaises with government departments and generally tries make Neerim District a better place to be.
From Icy Creek to Piedmont, Noojee to Crossover, Rokeby to Jindivick, and Neerim to Neerim South, Neerim East, Neerim Junction and Neerim North our members are united in preserving our community resilience and spirit while ensuring our growth and development is consistent with our vision of a better place to live, love, work and play.”