Kathleen V McLennan
Author, Lyricist, Librettist, Scriptwriter, Creator of Stories for everyone from C9 to 90, with a love of strange adventures. (NO specific genre).
Occasional sculptor and former creator of Community Street Floats, Supporter of Community arts access programs, especially theatre arts for youth and emerging newcomers.First writing award' aged 8.
Most recent award Oct 2022 (Australian Songwriting Association Songwriting Awards 2021- Top 10)
Current Publications (Amazon Kindle Direct):
- "The Gam Namu" The story of a Korean Family in the 20th century
- "The Colonel Takes A Wife" A Jane Austen "Tribute" story, extending the characters of "Pride & Prejudice"
- "The Dogs of Barony Lodge" An energetic doggy adventure for all dog-lovers of any age
- "The card in the Crevice of Time" When the restoration of a "Stately Home" coincides with historical research with a twist!
- "For Love Of Zachary" A youth on the wrong side of the law, and his changing perceptions as he faces the world alone.
- "The Krakatau Dragon Trilogy"
- Legend 1 "The Hatchling Prince" When Krakatau exploded in the 19th century, its legendary dragons were lost forever... almost
- Legend 2 "In Search of Dragons" How the Hatchling Prince set out to find and bring home the lost dragons of Krakatau.
- Legend 3 "Krakatau Rising" How the dragon colonies waited for a new Krakatau changed and were challenged by their Dragon Kingdom. (Out soon!)