Gordon Dickson
Sadly, this site only allows landscape oriented paintings. Full scope of paintings at www.gordondicksonartist.com
I am a full time visual artist. I paint in all media, and particularly love watercolour. I exhibit in Australia and overseas at different times throughout the year, and similarly run workshops and classes both in Australia and overseas each year. I have undertaken two 8-week residencies in Hong Kong during 2013 and 2014 to teach en plein air and indoor painting techniques in a variety of media to Fine Art Diploma students, and have been invited back for 2015.
My work has been recognised and awarded many times in shows and competitions, large and small, throughout Australia. Major awards include the Artist of the Year, Watercolour Society of Australia, and the Kenneth Jack Memorial Prize for Maritime Art in 2013.
I most enjoy painting en plein air, as it enables a closer connection to the subject, and no camera can capture all that the unassisted eye can see. Light is of fundamental importance, and it is light that holds appeal for me in painting - far more than line, shape or colour. I do love the way colour can be employed to move the viewer one way or another, however, and to give a visual voice to the artist's emotions/feelings in the painting process. For me, it much more about feeling than 'seeing'. I would say my work is one part 'seeing' and two parts feeling. The feeling when painting en plein air can be a very visceral thing, and is a critical factor in the success of the work. I also love how the rhythm and flow in a painting is akin to a visual form of music. Being a musician as well, I feel this correlation quite strongly.
I travel widely each year to paint different aspects of Australia and the world, and upon each return see my local landscape through new eyes. It's a marvellous thing to be captivated by beauty around us everywhere one looks.