Dunolly Gilbert & Sullivan Society
The Dunolly Gilbert & Sullivan Society was formed in 2012 by newcomer to town Rachel Buckley. Our enthusiastic local performers have staged fully costumed performances of Trial By Jury, The Pirates of Penzance, The Mikado, The Gondoliers and Iolanthe. We welcome guest singers from Melbourne who join our merry throng and mentor our local singers. We perform at the Dunolly Town Hall and at concerts in neighbouring towns. We welcome new members of all ages and abilites and enjoy relaxed rehearsals - no auditions and no need to read music. We have a rollicking good time and encourage the audience to sing along to the choruses. Mayhem and madness in musical melody. Dunolly's very own Queen Victoria makes a special appearance to conduct the activities and lead the singing. In 2018 we will perform at the Dunolly Queen's Birthday Festival in June with our actors and singers staging the Dunolly Follies.