Adrian Osborne
About the artist
Adrian "OZ" Osborne is an artist, musician, and public speaker, who has worked as a freelance caricaturist since 1992.His lightning fast drawing style and colourful delivery has kept his services in high demand - and with the ability to draw a caricature in around 2 minutes, he has established his professional reputation over the last 20 years, drawing over 48,000 portraits at corporate and private events around Australia.
The growth of the internet has seen his company SPLAToons develop into a "virtual studio" which attracts clients from around the world to his website at; a self confessed technophile, he established his first website in 1994 offering an on-line cartoon service- one of the first of its kind; and with the advance of mobile communication technology, Osborne now delivers his artwork by email and mobile phone to clients around the world.
His entrepreneurial approach to the business of art saw SPLAToons become the first liquor-licensed cartoon studio in 2000 - a unique business model that emerged when Osborne saw an opportunity to combine two of his favourite pastimes (drawing and drinking red wine) into a business which now sells his artwork on wine bottles Australia wide.
His studio "SPLAToons - Cartoon Shop" opened its doors to the pubic in Beechworth, in Victoria's north east in September 2010, and features his own artwork and those of cartoonists and cariaturists from around Australia and the world. If you're in town why not drop by and "get done" on a wanted poster by one of the "fastest felt-tips" in the business!
Cartooning Workshops
Adrian "OZ" Osborne delivers cartooning workshops with an emphasis on the importance of developing personal communication skills, while his colourful and lively delivery caters for a spectrum of age groups and abilities.
His presentation is designed to demystify drawing by demonstrating cartooning and caricature with a combination of live cartooning demonstrations and storytelling that will inspire new ideas and ignite confidence, while encouraging students to step outside their comfort zone, and expand their own drawing talent (even those who claim they "can only draw stick figures"!)
At the completion of the cartooning workshops, the students are invited to share their artwork with the group – thereby encouraging pride in their own work and respect for work of others.
Ultimately Osborne’s workshops demonstrate the importance of rediscovering the confidence and strength that comes from doing what you love, and that one of the most powerful tools in your life could be the pen in your hand.