Murtoa Stick Shed, 2019 Quick Response Grant recipient - image by Dave Jones.

Eligibility Criteria – Regional Arts Fund

Your application can only be considered if you satisfy all the eligibility criteria.

  • The applicant must be based in a regional area. Please use the MMM Locator to assist (select the year 2024 and look for MM2-MM7).
  • The applicant must be an individual or Australian incorporated organisation or local government organisation.
  • The applicant must have an active and eligible Australian Business Number (ABN) that is registered to the Applicant and regional location. Please use this Guide to ensure your ABN is eligible.
  • The applicant must not have any outstanding reports, acquittals or serious breaches relating to any Australian Government funding or funding from a state or territory Regional Program Administrator, (e.g. Regional Arts Victoria).

Please ensure you meet all aspects of eligibility by checking the Guidance Material.

If you are uncertain whether your organisation or project is eligible, please contact Regional Arts Victoria prior to submitting your application.

You are not eligible to apply if you are:  

  • an unincorporated organisation not auspiced by an organisation that meets the eligibility criteria
  • a for profit company
  • an organisation or individual based outside of regional or remote Australia (see below 5.2 Eligible Locations)
  • an Australian Government or state government entity (except for schools in very remote areas (MM 7))
  • a Regional Program Administrator or a Regional Program Administrator employee directly involved in the delivery of the Regional Arts Fund
  • A previous recipient of:
    • Quick Response Grants, an individual or organisation who has already received a Regional Arts Fund Quick Response Grant in the same financial year
    • Project Grants, an individual or organisation who has already received a Regional Arts Fund Project Grant in the same financial year
    • Project Grants, an individual or organisation who has already received multi-year funding for a Regional Arts Fund Project Grant taking place in the same financial year.