AGM Invitations in your inbox
Please check your emails this week for an invitation to our Annual General Meeting to be held online on 4 May 2023 at 12.15pm. We do require over 10 members to achieve a quorum, so if you can spare a little bit of time over your lunch break, we would love for you to join us, just register via the link in your email. More information here.
Upcoming Member Events
Open until 16 April: Printed Habitat – Exhibition at Wangaratta Art Gallery
Printed Habitat presents the recent work of four prominent printmakers working in Northeast Victoria.
Open until 1 May: The Art & Craft of Nests by Zora Verona – Exhibition at MiRa Gallery
This exhibition of sustainable contemporary art works explores the complexity of nest forms, honouring birds as artist and architect.
5 April – 23 April: Colac Otway Arts Trail
Artists of the region showcase their work through exhibitions, open studios, workshops, pop ups and the Hidden Small Art Treasures.
19 May: WAMA Art Prize Entries Close
Inviting a multi-disciplinary range of nature-inspired Australian artists, the award celebrates connectivity with nature and raises awareness of the importance of conserving our precious, unique Australian environment.
Multiple dates throughout year: The Blues Train
Experience a mini music festival on a steam train as you travel along the scenic heritage Bellarine Railway.
Add your event
Members can take advantage of their RAV Member profile and dashboard access to add events to our What’s On pages. We also will promote events on our social pages.