Work with a skilled mentor to expand your Committee’s knowledge and skills.
Community presenters – volunteer arts committees that present performing arts experiences in their communities – are invited to submit an Expression of Interest for RAV’s 2023 Community Presenter Mentorship Program.
The Mentorship program runs for 12 months and supports Presenters to connect with a mentor with relevant skills and expertise. Mentorships are deliberately flexible and responsive, tailored to the specific skills development needs of the committee or a nominated representative.
Regional Arts Victoria will help to match successful Community Presenters with a mentor with specific skills and expertise in area/s of specific interest to the committee. Applicants are also welcome to identify a specific mentor if there is someone in this category who they would like to work with.
Once Community Presenters have been matched with a mentor, RAV will support each partnership to identify key aims, and develop a framework and structure for the mentorship. RAV will also provide ongoing support for both mentors and mentees throughout the program.