
Insurance Explained

Working out what insurance you need for your creative organisation, business or sole trader operations can be confusing. GSA Insurance Brokers have provided some tips to help.

What is Auspicing?

If your organisation is considering or is currently auspicing grants, or you are looking for an auspice, this resource can help to get your auspice agreement in place.

Am I Making a Profit?

Accountant Tim Gay helps answer the question asked often by creatives, ‘Am I making a profit?’

Do I need to charge GST as an artist?

As a creative do you need to charge GST? Should you register for it? What does it mean?

Child Safe Organisations

If your organisation works with people under 18 years old, it is important that you know about the Victorian Child Safe Standards.

Understanding Copyright

This is brief overview of copyright, who and what it applies to and where to go for further information.